#cafe #restaurant #bars


The Fun Part

July 11, 2022

The Fun Part.

Solving unusual problems is quite often a part of sign writing.  Here we had a pillar that was right at the entrance of the cafe.  It would have been easy to just put a board each side with different products and messages.  This wrap-around works.  It dra...
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A Funny Story

March 24, 2022
A friend of mine relayed an event that he was witness to. While waiting in line at a well known fish and chip/takeaway shop in Tauranga, the lady a few places in front was asked for her order. In spite of the prominent and detailed menu board her reply was, "I haven't made u...
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This post is aimed at the Pub, Cafe and Restaurant owners or those that need constant message changes. Signs get stale. Here is a cool way to get the message across and has more eye appeal than the generic computer cut stuff. Hand painted "chalk Boards"....
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