

Your Aircraft in qualified hands 

With 40 plus years as an aircraft maintenance engineer and aviation training facilitator it is pretty fair to say I know my way around aircraft.  The flying kiwi is all set up to do rego's, safety notices and graphics on your aircraft.  We know what bits are f...
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Called to a sign emergency...well not really an urgent emergency but one where the old signs looked shabby and a re-think was in order. Not all signage materials are created equal, as is, not all sign situations are created equal.  Sign board and the vinyl stick on lett...
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Playing to the Rules

March 24, 2022
Play the Game, Obey the Rules I had a customer moaning about not being allowed to race, and can I please fix his dirt bike numbers. As previously mentioned I'm not a great follower of the rules, but, (..and it is a big but) there are occasions where you just can't get around...
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